Saturday, September 01, 2007
Icebag 8 is finally over. of course it was such a relief, but more than anything, what i feel now is nostalgia and (a little bit of) loneliness. well, the sem started with me on icebag mode and so now, i don't know where to start. i don't know where to spend my nights (the boring ones). plus the fact that i will definitely miss the rehearsals, late night meetings, we-have-to-rush kinds of tasks and of course the people. the cast, production staff, the wyre underground, practicumers, and the three performers who had their farewell performance (kiko, rand and chanchan). the chances of working with them again on-stage are quite tiny so i will definitely miss them.
here are some of the happenings during the four-night show (and the 12-4am re-run on the last night because of the number of audience that were not accommodated in the 7-11pm show)